



3 メンテナンス


  • 塗布量が多すぎると回転させた時に液が飛び散る恐れがあります。衣服等布製品に付着すると取れにくいのでご注意下さい。
  • 揮発成分にはアルコールが含まれていますので火気の無い環境で作業、保管して下さい。使用後はすぐにキャップを閉めて下さい。
  • 塗布したのち、ほとんど使用せず長期間保管していると、成分が固まり回転が鈍くなる場合があります。使用しているうちにスムーズになる場合もありますが、スムーズにならない場合は洗浄を行い、再度塗布してください。
  • 白い粉が出る場合がありますが、成分の一部です。ベアリングを回転させているうちにコーティングになります。
  • 保存状態によっては中の液体が揮発してしまう場合があります。高温を避け、冷暗所で保管してください。
  • 分散材、撹拌材不使用のため成分が沈殿しやすくなっていますが仕様です。ご使用前に良く振り交ぜてからご使用下さい

How to use

1. Degreasing and cleaning bearings
Remove oil, dust, etc. from inside the bearing.
*Try cleaning even a new bearing if necessary.

2. Application
Insert one or two drops of lube into the bearing (it is a smooth liquid, so it easily penetrates inside the bearing).
Rotate the bearing by popping it with your finger so that it settles evenly inside the bearing (repeat for several minutes).
As the volatile components disappear and only the lubricating components settle, the rotation time will increase slightly.
The process is complete when the condition of the bearing changes enough to change the smoothness and sound of rotation when flicked with the finger. Depending on the condition of the bearing, the rotation time may not change at all, or the rotation time may be longer with dry lubricant, but if the yo-yo spins better than it did immediately after the application, the ingredients will gradually blend in while the yo-yo is in use.

The effect will be better if the bearing shield is removed, but it will still be effective even if the shield is not removed.

3 Maintenance
Basically, the effect will last until something goes wrong with the bearing, such as a foreign object entering the bearing. In that case, please follow the above procedure starting with cleaning again.


If too much is applied, the liquid may splash when the bearing is rotated. If the liquid adheres to clothing or other fabrics, it may be difficult to remove.

Since the volatile component contains alcohol, work and store in an environment free from fire. Close the cap immediately after use.

If the product is stored for a long period of time without being used, the ingredients may harden and the rotation may become sluggish. If it does not become smooth, please wash the product and reapply.

White powder may appear, but it is part of the ingredients. It will become a coating as the bearing is rotated.

Depending on the storage conditions, the liquid inside may volatilize. Avoid high temperatures and store in a cool, dark place.

Since no dispersing or agitating materials are used, the ingredients tend to precipitate, but this is a specification. Please shake well before use.